Now that’s an Interesting Apartment Building

It’s not everyday that you come across things that make you look twice.

One day, during my visit to Wroclaw in Poland, I took the tram to go to the zoo. I was enjoying the view outside when suddenly this bright colored building flashed in my view. It was quite a coincidence that just that morning, I’d read an article about interesting buildings in Wroclaw with this one on the header. But it didn’t say where it was located. The tram went on and I was wondering when it would stop as I wanted to get down and look at the building. Finally it did and I went backwards on foot, instead of forward towards the zoo which was my original destination. How could I give away the chance to photograph something as interesting as that 😀. It took some time but it was worth it!

I loved the shape and bright colors of these balconies. I wonder if there are interesting features inside the apartments too!

For Debbie’s Six Word Saturday.

For Weekly Prompts’ Weekend Challenge.

In this blog, I focus on sharing some of the photographs that I capture, often during my travels but also in the everyday life. If you’d like to read about my travels, you can find the stories on this blog – Reflections on the River.

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