
Hello there, thank you for stopping by 🙂. You can address me as PR. I’ve been blogging since 2005, more as a diary for myself which I read from time to time. But it’s an open diary and anyone can read it.

The blog about my travels and musings is here. I was posting all kinds of content there but then realized that it’s not enough. That led to the creation of this blog – so that I could share the pictures I am so fond of taking, with the world. However, I didn’t do anything on it for so long after creating it and completely forgot about it, until September 2022, when I found it again and decided to take the plunge and start posting. Hope you would enjoy the view of the world through my lens.

Needless to say but still – all pictures unless otherwise credited, have been taken by me and if you would like to share them, then please do that by giving the credits to this blog – https://flightsofthesoul.wordpress.com/.

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