Lens-Artists #300 – Delicate

This week’s Lens Artists challenge is by Ann-Christine on the topic “delicate”. I had several thoughts about it and I came to the conclusion that quite often the things that we consider delicate, hold a lot of strength and power in them! Also, there are certain things that one doesn’t immediately think of as delicate but they are rather so..

The first thing that came to my mind was a feather. I found these lovely dreamcatchers in a souvenir shop. It’s amazing how a single feather is so delicate but put a handful of them together and they take care of keeping the bird warm and help them fly and as some might say, even take care of bad dreams!


Another thing that feels delicate is wax, but it is so strong to keep the bee’s home together and has the amazing power to spread light in darkness when turned into a candle! I found these dainty dog-shaped candles at a farmer’s market.

Little doggies (I would be reluctant to burn these candles though, until there is no other option)

And the most important of all, the human mind which is so strong and delicate at the same time. It can conceive and make pyramids or machines to take humankind out to space but, it can also get hurt by something as insignificant as one rude word! And there is such a fine line between genius and madness. Very delicate balance..

Don Quixote by Dali

Visit Ann-Christine’s post and the comments section there, for more takes on this theme.

In this blog, I focus on sharing some of the photographs that I capture, often during my travels but also in the everyday life. If you’d like to read about my travels, you can find the stories on this blog – Reflections on the River.

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