Lens-Artists #297 – Music to my eyes

For an Indian, music is like the air we breathe. It is an inseparable part of life there from birth till death, and naturally, everything in between.

I’ll share some of the Bollywood songs that come to my mind as soon as I come across certain scenes.

When mustard blooms, it is such a pretty scenery. There is a 700 year old sufi song by a Indo-Persian poet Amir Khusro (in India), that has been recreated in a period drama that got released on Netflix just on the 1st of May. It describes the flowering of mustard fields, and other scenes of Spring. Watch it here. I’ve been listening to it on loop!

The Canola Fields here remind me of the Mustard Fields from India

But until I heard that one song linked above, the mustard fields evoked the memory of another Bollywood song from 1995 because it literally showed those fields! Even today, when new couples come across a mustard field (or Canola) for the first time, they won’t leave the field without taking a few shots to recreate that song 😉.

Moving on, another very old Bollywood song I get reminded of on looking at Tulips, is this one here. It is from 1981! I still have to experience the vast expanses of Tulip fields in the Netherlands, but I am very happy to have seen this beautiful scene in Wroclaw this year.

Have you ever wondered what emotions would the first farmers have felt on seeing the golden fields of ripened grain? I cannot imagine what they would’ve felt, but I am happy that centuries later, this beautiful song came along and I got to listen to it – Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy.

This is Gold that satisfies hunger

Hope you enjoy the music I shared as much as I do, even if you don’t understand the words…

This is my entry for LAPC challenge by Egidio.

In this blog, I focus on sharing some of the photographs that I capture, often during my travels but also in the everyday life. If you’d like to read about my travels, you can find the stories on this blog – Reflections on the River.

16 replies to “Lens-Artists #297 – Music to my eyes

  1. PR, what a gorgeous post! I just watched the videos you linked to each photo. The cinematography is amazing. In the first song, I loved seeing the flowing dresses and how much they reminded me of flowers. Naturally, the mustard color is what tied to the photo you posted. The second song was also captivating paired with that photo. And closing, your Fields of Gold photo is stunning! You literally transported me there with that beautiful image. Thanks for joining in the challenge and sharing these views and music.

    P.S.: I go a local Indian restaurant here near my house every week. I always sit facing the large-screen TV so that I can watch the Indian music videos they play. They are fascinating!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Egidio 🙂. I am glad you enjoyed the music and the scenery. As for the Indian restaurant, I wouldn’t know what music videos they play but if you enjoy them, then that’s good 🙂. I personally prefer soothing instrumental music (can be Bollywood melodies) in restaurants. Let me know if you would like some recommendations 🙂.


      1. I listen to a lot of ambient/spa music when I’m working on photography. I’d welcome your suggestions. Feel free to use my email from the contact page. Thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post and photos!
    I am not familiar with the Bollywood references, but I do love Eva Cassidy’s version of Fields of Gold. I still remember the goosebumps when I first heard it. Still one of my favorites.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, PR but I have to say 1981 is not that old 😀 I enjoyed the music you shared and your photos. I don’t think it’s necessary to understand the lyrics in order to enjoy music. And I loved the caption on your last photo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Sofia 🙂. Well..1981 is 43 years back..the actors in that movie are in their 70s 😉. I am glad that you agree with me about the universal appeal of good music and that you like the caption on the last picture 🙂.

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