Travel Tuesday – Glimpses of Seville

I’d heard about Seville in some discussion with colleagues, I guess way back in 2017, but had no concrete plan of when and how to be there. The name though, had stuck in my head. Finally, I made it there this year! I guess if we didn’t have the Covid years, I might have been able to do it even earlier but then those two years reminded us that there are so many variables in our lives that nothing ever goes in a linear manner. My philosophy is to go with the flow. Things that are supposed to happen, have a way of working out.

Without further ado, let’s take a short virtual walk through sunny Seville.

The Grand Seville Cathedral
Horse-Cart and Torre del Oro in the distance
The queue for tickets outside the Alcazar, in which I also stood and didn’t get the ticket
Everyone is out in the evening when the temperatures come down a bit
Inside the Hotel Alfonso XIII

For Terri’s Sunday Stills – Rounded.

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge.

In this blog, I focus on sharing some of the photographs that I capture, often during my travels but also in the everyday life. If you’d like to read about my travels, you can find the stories on this blog – Reflections on the River.

14 replies to “Travel Tuesday – Glimpses of Seville

    1. Thanks very much Cee 🙂..glad you like it! Did you find the light fixtures in all the pics – in one of them it is difficult to find but it’s there 😉.


    1. Thanks Kirstin 🙂..It is very difficult to decide whether to stand in the queue or not, when the attraction is something unique. For Seville Alcazar, I can only say from my experience – book it online well in advance, else forget about it if you have limited time and don’t want to stand in the “on the spot ticket” queue from 6 am (it opens at 9:30). Sometimes one learns something only after experiencing it oneself 🙂.


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