The Macaw on the Wall

If you are walking down the staircase of a train station and are greeted by this big macaw, what would you do?

Simple – you would click a picture and then wonder why the macaw, when you are not in Costa Rica!

On doing a little look-up, it turns out that there are some of them at the zoo in the town. So my guess is that it is probably subtle advertising for that. I say subtle because there was nothing written on the mural.

For Sami’s Monday Murals, Natalie’s PPAC and Terri’s Sunday Stills.

I add this also to the RDP – Parrot prompt.

17 replies to “The Macaw on the Wall

  1. Thank you for your PPAC contribution. It’s a beautiful painted macaw. Too bad there is nothing written on the mural. I always look for the artist’s name when I look at public art.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Natalie 🙂. At Bertie’s comment above, I looked up to find “Ara” and then I found that it is exactly the same (except the background) as the photo of a real macaw on wikipedia 😀. The artist whoever it is, made a very good reproduction on the wall. I think the city administration offices usually invite local art students to do these kind of murals in public space.


    1. Thanks Bertie 🙂..I didn’t even know that it was called an Ara before your comment, but then I looked up and indeed it is so in German!


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